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Extend Your Septic System's Lifespan With One Trick

It is now common knowledge that more than 80% of U.S. households have to deal with hard water on a regular basis.

To which extent does this problem affect your daily life depends on the water hardness level that your pipes and water-based appliances have to endure.

However, even the slightest shift upwards in hardness can become quite detrimental in the long run for your entire plumbing, showerhead, faucet, toilet bowl, washing machine, dishwasher, kettle, and much, much more. 

To combat these problems, many people have opted for salt-based water softeners. Despite them being banned in several states, softeners are oftentimes regarded as the go-to method for softening water. However, one thing that sellers won’t tell you is that excessive sodium can cause massive amounts of damage to your septic tank.


How a Septic System Works 


Knowing how a septic system functions is the key element that allows people to understand why salt-based water softeners might be a bad idea in the long run.

A conventional septic system consists of a septic tank, a distribution box, and a drain field, all connected by pipes. Once the water gets drained from your household, the sludge is held inside the septic tank until it settles down.

The lighter pollutants float on top of the sludge in what’s known as the primary treatment. Afterward, bacteria that occur naturally in human waste start to decompose the lower sludge layer and the upper materials that float above the scum layer.  Finally, the liquid between the solids and the scum flows out of the tank through a baffle and into a distribution.


The Problem of Excess Sodium in the Septic System


Ok, so now you know how a septic system works. We mentioned the sludge that accumulates earlier. Well, the thing is that as more sludge and scum accumulate at the bottom of the tank, the septic system will have to work harder.

When the sludge level rises, new wastewater coming from the house has less time to suspend particles and settle them into the sludge layer. What does this imply? It means that the suspended particles flow into the absorption field.

As you can probably tell, you’ll need to pump out the tank periodically to reduce the sludge and scum formations, or otherwise it will get blocked by the excess. If left unchecked, the excess sludge will block the drain field box and subsequently prevent you from being able to flush your toilet, drain your shower water, etc.

Moving on, once you drain the excessive sludge found in the septic system, the secondary treatment method occurs. The distribution box evenly separates the flow into a network of drain field pipes. Each pipe flows the water through the holes found on their underside and allow the water to drain into gravel-filled trenches. Finally, the water seeps into the soil where it gets treated further.


septic system softener 


The Vicious Cycle


So now you’ve got rid of the excess sludge and sodium in the septic tank and the water is free to enter the soil and subsequently get delivered into your well or the local municipality’s water plant.

Do you know what happens next? That’s right, water accumulates hard minerals from the soil and goes back to being hard yet again. We’ve talked about hard water and its effects on household appliances before, so you can see why this is a problem.

You’re basically paying large amounts of money and wasting a lot of time on maintenance only to have more hard water delivered to you in the future. More salt bags, more energy consumption, more wasted water, more damage to your septic tank, etc.


What Are the Costs of this Never-ending Cycle?


The current price for a water softener salt bag average anywhere between $5 and $25. More modern softeners don’t consume as much salt but might still require a 40-pound bag every month or so.

But the more costly problem is the damage done to your septic tank. Sure, you can get to work and drain it more often, but you won’t be able to drain all the sodium crystals. In time, they will still accumulate, and the harder work your septic tank goes through, the more prone it is to failure.

And replacing an entire septic system or even just fixing it can be quite costly. You wouldn’t want it to break when you need it the most. However, there’s an even more modern solution that assures you won’t have to deal with this issue ever again. It involves the same principles as a water softener, but without any sodium involved.


More Modern Water Softeners Don't Affect It As Much


More modern water softeners are more optimized in the way they use salt. Brine discharged from well-operated water softeners shows no overflow in the septic system. In fact, the discharge is so low that it's comparable with the amount of sodium from discharged water used by other household appliances.

It is important to understand how the quality of a water softener can influence a septic system. The discussion of a water softener and a septic system is on-going in part due to extremely inefficient softeners that remain in use. More modern variants don't have issues with septic systems because of the small amount of sodium.

However, that small amount of sodium can still have some nasty side effects for drinking water. For example, people with increased blood pressure should avoid sodium as much as they can, and the amount found in softened water is enough to potentially harm them. For that reason, we would like to recommend you a softening method that doesn't involve any salt or sodium whatsoever.


The One Trick that Will Expand Your Septic System’s Life


There’s another method to soften water that doesn’t waste any water whatsoever and that doesn’t require sodium, maintenance, or expensive repair fees.

The only thing that you need is electricity and about 10 inches of an exposed pipe. No plumbing skills or any additional tools required. Even better, this device doesn’t depend on water speed. It works just fine at 0.5 GPG as it does at 100 or more GPG.

Want another reason why you should switch? It doesn’t matter what type of pipe you have, as this little solution works on any material. And there are absolutely no other expenses to speak of. Just one device that creates a capacitive effect to reshape calcium and magnesium crystals and make them less sticky. 


Introducing the Water Descaler


A water descaler works by using the same principles as cathodic protection to keep limescale away from the pipes. 

Limescale is the main culprit that keeps your appliances from working efficiently and reaching their full lifespan potential. It forms when calcium and magnesium crystals in hard water build-up and start clumping together.

The main difference in how a water descaler handles limescale compared to a softener is huge. Instead of adding sodium, a descaler emits capacitive electronic signals that actively change the hard mineral crystals’ shape. This way, you’ll still get hard water’s health benefits while keeping your plumbing and appliances safe.

The only things you’ll need when installing a water descaler are the pieces it comes with inside the box:


  • The main unit
  • Two copper impulse bands
  • Zip ties
  • Optional screws
  • A power adapter
  • Double-sided tape


Do you see the difference? An electronic water descaler doesn’t require any plumbing whatsoever. And the device is so thin and light that you will surely find room to fit it on your main pipe. Unlike a salt-based water softener, the descaler only requires electricity. You’ll never need to purchase extra or worry about sodium and other chemicals infiltrating the water.


Installing a Water Descaler is Easy


The ease of installation is just one of the reasons you should opt for a descaler. Its space-saving design and lack of need for maintenance are also some reasons that people have switched to a descaler over the years.

The main unit sends electric impulses through the two copper bands which create a capacitive effect inside the pipe. Mineral crystals get reshaped into smaller dots or straight spear-like particles. This way, they no longer stick to anything. While water keeps its “hardness”, it will no longer cling to pipes, washing machines, faucets, etc.

Now let’s see just how easy it is to install the Yarna Capacitive Electronic Water Descaler:


  • Take the unit out of the box and secure it on the wall near the main pipe, or directly on the pipe using the included double-sided tape.
  • Get one of the bands out, connect it to the unit, and start wrapping the impulse band around the pipe as shown in the instruction manual.
  • Now secure the winding on both sides with the included zip ties.
  • Proceed to do the same thing with the second impulse band.
  • Finally, plug the unit using the included power supply and you’re good to go. If the lights come on and they don’t blink, it means you’ve done everything right.


Other Benefits of the Yarna Water Descaler


The Yarna Water Descaler doesn’t just prevent future limescale buildups. It also slowly softens the current buildup that’s latching onto your pipes. 

Even on the hardest water levels, you should still see visible results in water quality in just three months. And you’ll have enough time on your hands to test it out because of our one-year money-back guarantee. 

Because of the descaler’s effects on water and no need for maintenance or extras, you will most likely end up saving up to $1000 in detergents, soap, water and electricity bills. And because the mineral particles no longer stick, you’ll have a better time washing your hair and skin.

Finally, you’ll also benefit from our 10-year warranty when you register the descaler on our website.


The Bottom Line


The Yarna Water Descaler can greatly improve your life by eliminating the negative effects of hard water and keeping only the positives.

Moreover, it only costs a fraction of what you’d spend on a water softener plus all the salt bags, plumbing, and maintenance one requires. Get your descaler today and see the benefits for yourself thanks to our full-year money-back guarantee!